Past Problems and Solutions

Radio (VH-109) Does Not Connect to http://radio.local/ When Configuring:

  • Ensure you are connected to the radio through an ethernet cable to the DS port.

  • Set a Static IP Address (opens in a new tab) with these parameters:

    • IP Address:

    • Subnet Mask:

    • Gateway: Leave Blank

    • DNS: or Leave Blank

  • Make your way to

  • After configuring the radio, make sure to refresh the page, then Add a Suffix so the radios' network can be differentiated from others.

Configuration Page

CAN Id on a REV Device Doesn't Save Upon a Robot Restart

  • Make sure you press Burn Flash at the bottom of the configuration page once settings are all done. (Seems obvious but its easy to forget I swear)

Using an updating value as a command parameter does not work

Do Not directly pass the updating value into the command as a parameter, as a command's constructor will only run once upon its original call (aka configureBindings() in most cases). Instead, retrieve this updating value in the initialize() or execute() methods, as this will allow for a dynamically updating value instead of a one-time update to the variable.