Rapid React (2021 - 2022)
Leads: Ethan & Emron | Students: Sukhesh, Arya, & Immanuel | Mentors: Mentors: Mr.McEntire
CAD was in a very primitive stage during this time. CAD has been pretty much useless to the team for many years. That sounds harsh, but that was the actual reality of this subgroup. There needed to be more input CAD provided to the building aspect of the robot, as all the robots built for the 24 years the FEDS have existed have all been built without any CAD planning.
Ebenezer CAD (2021 - 2022)
Season Summary:
This is all from my perspective (Sukhesh Here) since the remaining members have all left. (God I feel old now...)
There isn't really much to say. I joined the team originally to do programming but there were too many people on the team and If I had any shot of doing something it would be through CAD since there were only 2 people on the team at the time. The team culture at this time was more of Seniors do everything and freshman sit back and mess around. I didn't really like that since I genuinely wanted to do something, so I tried my hardest to learn CAD but honestly there's only so much you can learn without genuine design experience. I knew next season I would automatically be a lead, so I did plan some drastic changes to the subgroup.
I absolutely despised the idea of only seniors doing all the work. I wanted to ensure the new students could actually do something.
This was my general CAD to-do list for next year:
- Split students into different groups for different tasks
- Learn the Xcarve so we can actually manufacture our own parts
- Figure out a way to collaborate with Autodesk Inventor
- Have students involved during build season
- Finish CAD before Mechanical, a first in the team's history.