FRC Game Tools Installation

Installing the FRC Game Tools

The FRC Game Tools contains the following software components:

  • LabVIEW Update
  • FRC Driver Station
  • FRC roboRIO Imaging Tool and Images

The LabVIEW runtime components required for the Driver Station and Imaging Tool are included in this package.


Note: No components from the LabVIEW Software for FRC package are required for running either the Driver Station or Imaging Tool.


  • Windows 10 or higher (Windows 10, 11)
  • Download the FRC Game Tools from National Instruments (NI).

The Download button for the NI installer with the offline installer link below it.

Important: LabVIEW teams have already completed this step. Skip to the "Installation" section.

Uninstall Old Versions (Recommended)

It is recommended to remove any old versions of the FRC Game Tools before installing the new version. Then:

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Search for "Add or Remove Programs".
  3. Locate the entry labeled "NI Software" and select "Uninstall".

Note: It is only necessary to uninstall previous versions when installing a new year's tools.

Select Components to Uninstall

In the dialog box, select all entries to uninstall. Click "Remove" and wait for the uninstaller to complete. Reboot if prompted.


Important: The Game Tools installer may prompt that .NET Framework 4.6.2 needs to be updated or installed. Follow the on-screen instructions.


There are two options for extraction:


  1. Run the downloaded executable file.
  2. Click "Yes" if a Windows Security prompt appears.

Offline (Windows 10+)

  1. Right-click on the downloaded ISO file and select "Mount".
  2. Run install.exe from the mounted ISO.
  3. Click "Yes" if a Windows Security prompt appears.

Note: If you cannot mount the ISO file, install 7-Zip and use that to extract the ISO.

NI Package Manager License

Click "Next" to confirm you agree to the NI Package Manager License agreement.

Disable Windows Fast Startup

It is recommended to leave this screen as-is and click "Next". Disabling Windows Fast Startup can cause issues with imaging the roboRIO.

NI Package Manager Review

Click "Next" if you see a screen showing what is about to be installed.

NI Package Manager Installation

This window will track the installation progress of the NI Package Manager.

Additional Software

Leave all of the additional packages selected and click "Next".

License Agreements

  1. Select "I accept..."
  2. Click "Next".

Review Summary

Click "Next".

Detail Progress

Click "Next" when the installation process is finished.

Reboot to Complete Installation

If prompted, select "Reboot Now" after closing any open programs.