Who are the FEDS

Welcome to FRC Team 201's Tools and Resources

Welcome to FRC Team 201's Tools and Resources! This guide is a comprehensive collection of tutorials, notes, and resources designed to help you master the tools and technologies used by our team. Whether you're a new member just starting your robotics journey or a seasoned veteran looking to sharpen your skills, this guide has something for everyone. It's a work in progress and will be updated regularly with new content and resources.

Our Team's Mission

The FEDS' mission is to inspire students to become STEM leaders through mentoring and innovation.


To support your learning journey, we have a variety of subgroups that focus on different aspects of robotics. These include:


We have put together what we did each week in the 2025 season. This is a great way to see what we did and what you can expect to do in the future.

What every member should know

FEDS Handbook has been created to help you learn about a general overview of what you should know as a member of FEDS. This includes information about the team, the tools we use, and the resources available to you

Tools and Resources

FRC teams and the resources they use aren't always the most environmentally friendly. This and being inspired by the rule in the manual G201, we wanted to understand as a team what our impact on our environment is and identify what steps we can take to reduce it.

Our mission: Promote a team culture that cultivates good persons and increases sustainable practices at a team level.

As a team we thought of many different projects that could further our goal. Ideas ranged from finding new uses for old FRC parts to eliminating single use items. Ideas have been prioritized so that we can achieve these goals over time.

G201 Calculator